Monday, November 23, 2015

NFS Server on Oracle Linux 6.7 – 64 bit

NFS Server on Oracle Linux 6.7/Cent OS/RHEL – 64 bit
NFS Client setup: 

Installing NFS Software:
·         Use the following command to install NFS:
Log in to nfsserver, and open terminal
Provide root password  
$yum -y install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib
Configuration of NFS is simple and add the directories you wish to export to the file /etc/exports.
·         Create a directory called /software with the following command:
            $mkdir /software
·         Try to create new file for permissions check
            $touch /software/nfstext
·         Edit the file /etc/exports:
            $vi /etc/exports
Add the following line to /etc/exports:
             /software    *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
Note: See the permissions description bellow, if you are planning to install Oracle EBS or OBIEE you need read and write permissions.
ro - Read Only
Rw - Read Write
Sync - Reply only after disk
·         NFS requires the rpcbind service to be running. Start it with the following command:
            $service rpcbind start
·         Then, start the nfs server:
$/etc/init.d/nfs start
·         NFS to start at boot, use the following command:
            $chkconfig --levels 235 nfs on
·         Enable the export immediately with the command exportfs -v. You can view the export with the command showmount -e.


·         Configuring the NFS Client

The nfs package should be exist on client.
Login to client and install nfs utils, if not exist  
$yum -y install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib
Following command to enable nfs mount point (NFS server address required)
- Create  /software direcotry
$su >
$ cd /mnt
$mkdir software
$chmod 777 software
Execute bellow command
mount -t nfs 999.999.64.127:/software /mnt/software 
$cd /mnt/software
·         To enable the NFS mount at the time of server start, update /etc/ftab file
$vi /etc/ftab
Add bellow command command at the end of file and save and exit. Next time it will added automatically. 
$ 999.999.64.127:/software /mnt/software  nfs defaults 0 0

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